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Yam Curry

Serves 4

* 500 g (1 lb) yam or sweet potato
* oil for deed- frying
* 1 tbsp ghee
* 2 medium onions, chopped finely
* 2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger
* 2 fresh red or green chillies, seeded and chopped
* 1 teaspoon ground coriander
* 1 teaspoon ground cummin
* 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
* 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
* 1 teaspoon salt to taste
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander
* lemon juice to taste

Peel and slice or dice yam. Soak in lightly salted water for
30 minutes. Drain well and dry thorouhtly on paper towels.
Heat oil and add ghee to give it flavour. Deep-fry yam, not
too much at one time, until golden brown. Lift on slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels.
Pour off oil, leaving about 2 tablespoons. Fry onion, ginger
and chillies over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until onion
is soft and golden. Add ground spices and fry for onother
minutes, stirring. Add yams, sprinkle with salt and fresh
coriander and toss over low heat  for 5 minutes. Add lemon
juice to taste. Serve with rice chapatis.


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