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Fettuccini with Spinach Pesto

Serves 4

* 1/2 lb whole wheat fettuccini
* 1 10 ounce package of frozen spinach, (make sure frozen spinach is chopped, otherwise it gets stringy).
* 3 medium cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
* 2 TBS coarsely chopped walnuts
* 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil
* (optional) 2 oz Chevre' goat cheese
* 1 TBS lemon juice
* 1/4 cup water
* 2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
* 1 large tomato, seeds and excess pulp removed, diced
* salt and pepper to taste

How To Cook:
1. Bring lightly salted water to a rapid boil. Cook fettuccini according to directions on package.

2. While fettuccini is cooking rinse frozen spinach in warm water to thaw, and press dry. Put into food processor along with garlic, walnuts and basil. Run food processor a couple of minutes before adding liquids. Add cheese, lemon juice, water, olive oil and salt and pepper. Process just enough to blend all ingredients well.

3. Prepare tomato by cutting in half, squeezing the seeds out, removing excess pulp in the center, and dice.

4 As soon as you drain pasta mix in desired amount of pesto, and chopped tomato while it is still very hot. Serve immediately.


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