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Gotu-kola Salad

The common english name for this leaf, which look look miniature
violet leaves, is swamp pennywort. The botanical name is centella
asiatica. It was formely known as hydrocotyle  asiatia ( for the smaller variety )
or hydrocotyle  javanica  ( for the larger leaf variety ).
it is credited with magical health-giving properties ranging from purifying the blood
to curing nervous conditions. and two fresh leaves a day are said to give
temporary relief from the pain of arthritis. bunches of leaves are now sold in
Australia markets and the plant in nurseries, where it is labelled "the arthritis herb"

 Serves 4

* 1 or 2 bunches gotu-kola
* 1 small onion, finely chopped
* good squeeze lime or lemon juice
* 1 sliced chilli, optional
* 1 cup fresh grated coconut or 1/2 cup desiccated
* salt to taste

Wash gotu-kola well and discard stems. Shred leaves finely
with a sharp knife , combine with other ingredients and serve
immediately. The flavour is slightly sour, slightly bitter, and
grows on you. Some prefer this to be lightly cooked, in which
case bring a tablespoon of water and 1/2 teaspoon salt to the
boil in a wok or pan, add all ingredients and toss over heat
briefly, stopping before leaves lose their green colour.


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