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Sticky Braised Spare Ribs

Serves 4

* 900 g/2 lb meaty pork spare ribs, cut crossways into 7.5 cm/3 inch pieces
* 125 ml/ 4 fl oz dry white wine
* 3 tbsp black bean sauce
* 3 tbsp tomato ketchup
* 2 tbsp clear honey
*  3-4 spring onions, trimmed and chopped
* 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
* grated zest of 1 small orange
* salt and freshly ground
* black pepper

To garnish:

* Spring onion tassels
* lemon wedges

Put the spare ribs in the wok and add enough cold water to cover.
Bring to the boil over a medium-high heat, skimming any scum
that rises to the surface. cover and simmer for 30 minutes, then
drain and rinse ribs.

Rinse and dry the wok and return the ribs to it. In a bowl, blend
the apricot nectar or orange juice with the white wine, black bean
sauce, tomato ketchup and the honey until smooth.

Stir in the spring onions, garlic cloves and grated orange zest.
Stir well until mixed thoroughly.

Pour the mixture over the spare ribs in the wok and stir gently until
the ribs are lightly coated. Place over a moderate heat and bring
to the boil

Cover then simmer, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour, or until the ribs
are tender and the sauce is thickened and sticky. ( if the sauce
reduces too quickly or begins to stick, add water 1 tablespoon at a
time until the ribs are tender.) Adjust the seasoning to taste, then
transfer the ribs to a serving plate and garnish with spring onion 
tassels and lemon wedges. Serve immediately.


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