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Barbecue Pork Steamed Buns

Serves 12

For the buns:

* 175- 200 g/6-7 plain flour
* 1 tbsp cried yeast
* 125 ml/4 fl oz milk
* 2 tbsp sunflower oil
* 1 tbsp sugar
* 1/2 salt
* spring onion tassels, to garnish
* fresh greens salad leaves, to serve

For the filling:

* 2 tbsp vegetable oil
* 1 small red pepper, deseeded and finely chopped
* 2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
* 225 g/8 oz cooked pork, finely chopped
* 50 g/2 oz light brown sugar
* 50 ml/2 fl oz tomato ketchup
* 1-2 tsp hot chilli powder, or to taste

Put 75 g/3 oz of the flour in a bowl and stir in the yeast. heat the milk, oil,
sugar and salt in a small saucepan until warm, stirring until the sugar has
dissolved. Pour into the bowl and, with an electric mixer, beat on a low
speed for 30 seconds, scraping down the sides of the bow;l, until blended.
Beat at high speed for 3 minutes, then with a wooden spoon, stir in as much
of the remaining flour as possible, until a stiff dough forms. shape into a
ball, place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with clingfilm and leave for 1 hour
in a warm place, or until doubled in size.

To make the filling, heat a wok, add the oil and when hot add the pepper
and garlic, Stir-fry for 4-5 minutes. ass the remaining ingredients  and bring
to the boil, stir-frying for 2-3 minutes until thick and syrupy. Cool and reserve.

Punch down the dough and turn onto a lightly floured surface. divide into
12 pieces shape into balls, cover and leave to rest for 2 minutes. Roll each
ball to a 7.5 cm/3 inch circle and place a heaped tbsp of filling in the
centre. For each circle, dampen the edges, the bring them up and around
the filling, pinching together to seal. Place seam-side down on nonstick
baking parchment. Leave to rise for 10 minutes.

Bring a large wok half-filled with water to the boil, place the buns in a lightly
oiled chinese steamer, without touching each other. cover and steam for
20-25 minutes. Remove and cool slightly. Garnish and serve. 


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